Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
electronic version 2, 2009
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Limoniidae Speiser, 1909 (1840)

Jaroslav Starý

Department of Zoology and Laboratory of Ornithology, Faculty of Science, Palacký University, tř. Svobody 26, CZ-771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic;

This family is one of the most species-rich families of the Diptera. Like other Tipulomorpha, the adults are slender flies with elongate, rather narrow wings and very long legs. They are highly diverse in many respects, including size which ranges from tiny species of Tasiocera Skuse, 1890, subgenus Dasymolophilus Goetghebuer, 1920, with a wing and body length of about 2 mm, to the large Eutonia barbipes, with a wing often over 20 mm and a body (in female) of almost 30 mm. Adult Limoniidae may be diagnosed by certain peculiarities in the structure of the thoracic sclerites and the male terminalia. The larvae usually occur in water, in waterlogged soil, under damp leaf mould, in decaying wood, fungi, or similar substrates. A few genera, or individual species, live in hygropetric situations and feed on algae. A considerable proportion of the larvae are phytosaprophagous (including the saproxylic species), but some may exceptionally affect living plant tissue. Some species are mycetophagous (Metalimnobia Matsumura, 1911), or predatory (subfamily Limnophilinae Bigot, 1854). Like their larvae, the adults are predominantly associated with moist environments and are usually found in low vegetation alongside streams, lakes and other water bodies, in swamps and marshes of various types, in damp forests, and similar habitats. Like the Trichoceridae and Pediciidae, many Limoniidae may be seen swarming late on sunny afternoons with little or no wind or at dusk.

Of the 583 species-group taxa known to occur in Europe (calculated from Oosterbroek 2009 and including most recently described species), 335 species are listed in the present checklist: 293 species from the Czech Republic  (220 in Bohemia and 277 in Moravia) and 314 from Slovakia. Compared with the PCV2, 28 species have been added for the Czech Republic (44 in Bohemia and 23 in Moravia) and 21 species for Slovakia. Some names have been changed or have been omitted for various reasons that are noted in the checklist. The Czech Republic and Slovakia are among the best-investigated countries in Europe for the Limoniidae, but further additions are still possible, of species known to occur in adjacent countries or species that are still undescribed.

The most complete treatment of the Central European Limoniidae (including the Pediciidae), with keys to species, is by Savchenko (1982, 1985, 1986) on the Ukrainian fauna. However, subsequent papers should be consulted to ensure correct identification. The work by Podenas et al. (2006) on the Swiss Limoniidae and Pediciidae represents the most recent identification tool. The genera and subgenera can be identified using the keys by Dienske (1987) and Reusch and Oosterbroek (1997). The nomenclature adopted in this checklist is summarised in Oosterbroek (2009); subspecies category is avoided.

The work was supported by grants 206/04/1170 from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and MSM619859212 from the Czech Ministry of Education.


[1]   Dienske J.W. 1987: An illustrated key to the genera and subgenera of the western Palaearctic Limoniidae (Insecta: Diptera), including a description of the external morphology. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A), (No. 409) 1987: 1-52.

[2] Oosterbroek P. 2009: Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World (Insecta, Diptera, Nematocera, Tipuloidea), Version 3 Feb 2009. <>. Retrieved 03.08.2009.

[3] Podenas S., Geiger W., Haenni J.-P. & Gonseth Y. 2006: Limoniidae & Pediciidae de Suisse. FaunaHelvetica, Vol. 14. Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune & Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft, Neuchâtel, 375 pp.

[4] Reusch H. & Oosterbroek P. 1997: Diptera Limoniidae and Pediciidae, Short-palped Craneflies. In Nilsson A. N. (ed.): Aquatic Insects of North Europe – A Taxonomic Handbook Vol. 2. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 105-132 pp.

[5] Salmela J. & Starý J. 2009: Description of Metalimnobia (Metalimnobia) charlesi sp. n. from Europe (Diptera: Limoniidae). Entomologica Fennica 19: 268-272.

[6] Savchenko E. N. 1982: Limoniidae (Eriopterinae). Fauna Ukrainy 14 (3). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 335 pp.

[7] Savchenko E. N. 1985: Limoniidae (Limoniinae). Fauna Ukrainy 14 (4). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 180 pp.

[8] Savchenko E. N. 1986: Limoniidae (general characteristics, Pediciinae, Hexatominae). Fauna Ukrainy 14 (2). Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 380 pp. [in Russian]

[9] Starý J. 1999: Faunistic records: Trichoceridae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae. In Jedlička L. (ed.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca Vol. 9. Slovak Entomological Society, Bratislava, pp. 187-188.

[10] Starý J. 2001: Faunistic records: Trichoceridae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae. In Chvála M. et al. (eds): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca Vol. 10. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Biologica 45: 185-187.

[11] Starý J. 2003: Revision of European species of the genus Rhabdomastix (Diptera: Limoniidae). Part 1: Introduction and subgenus Lurdia subgen. n. European Journal of Entomology 100: 587-608.

[12] Starý J. 2004a: Revision of European species of the genus Rhabdomastix (Diptera: Limoniidae). Part 2: Subgenus Rhabdomastix s. str. European Journal of Entomology 101: 657-687.

[13] Starý J. 2004b: Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics: Limoniidae, Pediciidae . In Kubík Š. & Barták M. (eds): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca Vol. 11. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 109: 321-322.

[14] Starý J. 2004c: Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics: Trichoceridae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae. In Bitušík P. (ed.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca Vol. 12. Acta Facultatis Ecologiae 12/Suppl. 1: 155-156.

[15] Starý J. 2006a: Nomenclatural changes in West Palaearctic Limoniidae and Pediciidae. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica 49(2005): 175-186.

[16] Starý J. 2006b: New information resulting from a study of Strobl's types of Limoniidae. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica 49(2005): 187-203.

[17] Starý J. 2006c: Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics: Limoniidae, Pediciidae. In Kinkorová J. (ed.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca, Vol. 13. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica 50: 135-136.

[18] Starý J. 2006d: Hoplolabis (Parilisia) species related to H. (P.) punctigera (Lackschewitz, 1940) and H. (P.) spinosa (Nielsen, 1953) with the description of a new species (Diptera, Limoniidae). Studia dipterologica 13: 115-125.

[19] Starý J. 2006e: Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics: Limoniidae, Pediciidae. Entomofauna carpathica 18: 38

[20] Starý J. 2007: Nomenclatural changes in West Palaearctic Limoniidae and Pediciidae (Diptera), II. Časopis Slezského zemského muzea Opava (A) 56: 23-36.

[21] Starý J. 2008a: Three new European species of the genus Scleroprocta Edwards, 1938 (Diptera: Limoniidae). Biologia  63: 120-126.

[22] Starý J. 2008b: Faunistic records from Czech Republic and Slovakia: Trichoceridae, Limoniidae, Pediciidae, Tipulidae. In  Stloukalová V. (ed.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca Vol. 14 (2007). Acta Zoologica Universitatis Comenianae 47: 247-248.

[23] Starý J. 2009a: West Palaearctic species of the genus Eloeophila (Diptera: Limoniidae). European Journal of Entomology 106: 425-440.

[24] Starý J. 2009b: The identity of Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis Goetghebuer (Diptera, Limoniidae). Zootaxa 2155: 55-68.

[25] Starý J. 2009c: New records of Limoniidae, Pediciidae and Tipulidae (Diptera) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Folia faunistica Slovaca 14: 95-97.

[26] Starý J. & Barták M. 2000: Limoniidae. In Barták M. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera in an industrially affected region (north-western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov environs), I. Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 104: 29-35.

[27] Starý J. & Reusch H. 2009: European species of the subgenus Brachylimnophila (Diptera: Limoniidae). Entomologica Fennica 19: 207-217.

[28] Starý J. & Ujvárosi L. 2005: A new species of Idiocera (Euptilostena) (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Slovakia and Romania. Biologia 60: 513-518.


Dactylolabis Osten Sacken, 1860
Dactylolabis s. str.
denticulata (Bergroth, 1891) SK
sexmaculata (Macquart, 1826) CZ   (B ) SK
subdilatata Starý, 1969 CZ   ( M )
transversa (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
wodzickii (Nowicki, 1867) SK
Adelphomyia Bergroth, 1891
punctum (Meigen, 1818) SK
Austrolimnophila Alexander, 1920
Archilimnophila Alexander in Curran, 1934
unica (Osten Sacken, 1869) CZ   (B M ) SK
Austrolimnophila s. str.
ochracea (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
Dicranophragma Osten Sacken, 1860 in ECV1 as Neolimnomyia (Brachylimnophila); subgenus Dicranophragma elevated to genus rank [27]
Brachylimnophila Alexander, 1966
nemorale (Meigen, 1818) CZ (B M ) SK in ECV1 in Neolimnomyia (Brachylimnophila) [27]
separatum (Walker, 1848) CZ (B M ) SK
Eloeophila Rondani, 1856
apicata (Loew, 1871) CZ   (B M ) SK
maculata (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
miliaria (Egger, 1863) CZ   (B M ) SK
minor Starý, 2009 CZ ( M ) SK
mundata (Loew, 1871) CZ   (B M ) SK
submarmorata (Verrall, 1887) CZ   (B M ) SK
trimaculata (Zetterstedt, 1838) CZ   (B M ) SK
verralli (Bergroth, 1912) CZ   (B M ) SK
Epiphragma Osten Sacken, 1860
Epiphragma s. str.
ocellare (Linnaeus, 1760) CZ   (B M ) SK
Euphylidorea Alexander, 1972
aperta (Verrall, 1887) CZ   (B M ) SK
dispar (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
lineola (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
meigenii (Verrall, 1886) CZ   (B M ) SK
phaeostigma (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
Eutonia van der Wulp, 1874
barbipes (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
Hexatoma Latreille, 1809
Coreozelia Enderlein, 1936
cimicoides (Scopoli, 1763) CZ   (B M ) SK
Eriocera Macquart, 1838
chirothecata (Scopoli, 1763) CZ   (B M ) SK
Hexatoma s. str.
bicolor (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
fuscipennis (Curtis, 1836) CZ   (B M ) SK
gaedii (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B M ) SK
nubeculosa (Burmeister, 1829) CZ   (B ) SK
vittata (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B ) SK
Idioptera Macquart, 1834
linnei Oosterbroek, 1992 CZ   (B )
pulchella (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B M ) SK
Limnophila Macquart, 1834
Limnophila s. str.
arnoudi Theowald, 1971 CZ   ( M ) SK
pictipennis (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
schranki Oosterbroek, 1992 CZ   (B M ) SK
Neolimnomyia Séguy, 1937
batava (Edwards, 1938) CZ   (B M ) SK
filata (Walker, 1856) CZ   (B M ) SK
Paradelphomyia Alexander, 1936
Oxyrhiza de Meijere, 1946
czizekiana Starý, 1971 CZ   (B M ) SK
ecalcarata (Edwards, 1938) CZ   ( M ) SK
fuscula (Loew, 1873) CZ   (B M ) SK
nigrina (Lackschewitz, 1940) CZ   (B M ) SK
senilis (Haliday, 1833) CZ   (B M ) SK
Phylidorea Bigot, 1854
Macrolabina Savchenko, 1986
nigronotata (Siebke, 1870) CZ   (B )
Paraphylidorea Savchenko, 1986
fulvonervosa (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
Phylidorea s. str.
abdominalis (Staeger, 1840) CZ   (B M ) SK
bicolor (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
ferruginea (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
heterogyna (Bergroth, 1913) CZ   (B )
longicornis (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
nervosa (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M )
squalens (Zetterstedt, 1838) CZ   (B M ) SK
Pilaria Sintenis, 1889
decolor (Zetterstedt, 1851) CZ   (B M ) SK
discicollis (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
fuscipennis (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
meridiana (Staeger, 1840) CZ   (B M ) SK
nigropunctata (Agrell, 1945) CZ   (B M ) SK
scutellata (Staeger, 1840) CZ   (B M ) SK
Prionolabis Osten Sacken, 1860
hospes (Egger, 1863) CZ   (B M ) SK
Pseudolimnophila Alexander, 1919
Pseudolimnophila s. str.
lucorum (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
sepium (Verrall, 1886) CZ   (B M ) SK
Arctoconopa Alexander, 1955
melampodia (Loew, 1873) CZ   (B M ) SK
zonata (Zetterstedt, 1851) CZ (B )
Cheilotrichia Rossi, 1848
Cheilotrichia s. str.
cinerea (Strobl, 1898) SK
imbuta (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
valai Starý, 1992 SK
Empeda Osten Sacken, 1869
affinis (Lackschewitz, 1927) CZ   (B M ) SK
alpina (Strobl, 1895) CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 as C. (E.) caerulea Starý, 1987, synonymised in [16]
cinerascens (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
minima (Strobl, 1898) CZ   ( M ) SK
neglecta (Lackschewitz, 1927) CZ   (B M ) SK
staryi Mendl, 1973 CZ   (B M ) SK
Chionea Dalman, 1816
Chionea s. str.
araneoides Dalman, 1816 CZ   (B M ) SK
Sphaeconophilus Becker, 1912
botosaneanui (Burghele-Bălăcesco, 1969) CZ   ( M ) SK
lutescens Lundström, 1907 CZ   (B M ) SK
Crypteria Bergroth, 1913
limnophiloides Bergroth, 1913 CZ   (B M ) SK
Ellipteroides Becker, 1907
Ellipteroides s. str.
lateralis (Macquart, 1835) CZ   (B M ) SK
Protogonomyia Alexander, 1934
adrastea Starý & Mendl, 1984 CZ   ( M )
alboscutellatus (von Roser, 1840) CZ   (B M ) SK
limbatus (von Roser, 1840) CZ   ( M ) SK
Erioconopa Starý, 1976
diuturna (Walker, 1848) CZ   (B M ) SK
interposita Starý, 1976 SK
symplectoides (Kuntze, 1914) SK
trivialis (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
Erioptera Meigen, 1803
Erioptera s. str.
divisa (Walker, 1848) CZ   (B M ) SK
flavata (Westhoff, 1882) CZ   (B M ) SK
longicauda Loew, 1871 CZ   ( M ) in PCV2 as E. (E.) flavissima Starý, 1972 [15]
fuscipennis Meigen, 1818 CZ   (B M ) SK
fusculenta Edwards, 1938 CZ   (B M ) SK
griseipennis Meigen, 1838 CZ   (B M ) SK
limbata Loew, 1873 CZ   ( M ) SK
lutea Meigen, 1804 CZ   (B M ) SK
distinguenda Starý, 1983 SK in PCV2 as a subspecies of E.(E.) minor de Meijere, 1920, now a separate species [15]
minor de Meijere, 1920 CZ   ( M ) SK in PCV2 as a nominotypical subspecies, now a monotypic species [15]
nielseni de Meijere, 1921 CZ   (B )
pederi Tjeder, 1969 CZ   ( M )
sordida Zetterstedt, 1838 CZ   (B M ) SK
squalida Loew, 1871 CZ   (B M ) SK
tenuirama Savchenko, 1972 SK
verralli Edwards, 1921 CZ   ( M ) SK
Mesocyphona Osten Sacken, 1869
bivittata (Loew, 1873) CZ   (B M ) SK
fossarum (Loew, 1873) CZ   (B M ) SK
Gnophomyia Osten Sacken, 1860
elsneri Starý, 1983 SK
lugubris (Zetterstedt, 1838) CZ   (B M ) SK
viridipennis (Gimmerthal, 1847) CZ   (B M ) SK
Gonempeda Alexander, 1924
flava (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
Gonomyia Meigen, 1818
Gonomyia s. str.
bifida Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
conoviensis Barnes, 1924 CZ   (B M ) SK
dentata de Meijere, 1920 CZ   (B M )
lucidula de Meijere, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
recta Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
simplex Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
subtenella Savchenko, 1972 CZ ( M ) SK
tenella (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
Prolipophleps Savchenko, 1972
abbreviata Loew, 1873 CZ   (B M ) SK
divergens Bangerter, 1947 SK
Teuchogonomyia Alexander, 1968
edwardsi Lackschewitz, 1925 SK
ithyphallus Lackschewitz, 1935 SK
Hoplolabis Osten Sacken, 1869
Lunaria Savchenko, 1982
idiophallus (Savchenko, 1973) SK
Parilisia Savchenko in Savchenko & Krivolutskaya, 1976
areolata (Siebke, 1872) CZ   (B M ) SK
mannheimsi (Mendl, 1974) SK
obtusiapex (Savchenko, 1982) CZ   ( M ) SK in PCV2 a subspecies of H.(P.) punctigera (Lackschewitz, 1940), now a separate species [18]
subareolata (Alexander, 1932) CZ   ( M ) SK in PCV2 as H. (P.) sachalina (Alexander, 1924), restored from synonymy in [15]  
sororcula (Lackschewitz, 1940) SK
pontica (Savchenko, 1984) CZ   ( M ) SK in PCV2 as H. (P.) spinosa (Nielsen, 1953), now a separate, re-defined species [18]
subalpina (Bangerter, 1947) CZ   (B M ) SK
vicina (Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920) CZ (B M ) SK
yezoana (Alexander, 1924) CZ   ( M ) SK
Idiocera Dale, 1842
Euptilostena Alexander, 1938
jucunda (Loew, 1873) CZ   ( M ) SK
paulsi Starý & Ujvárosi, 2005 SK
Idiocera s. str.
bradleyi (Edwards, 1939) CZ   ( M ) SK
pulchripennis (Loew, 1856) SK in ECV1 misidentified for M [22]
punctata (Edwards, 1938) CZ   ( M ) SK
sexguttata (Dale, 1842) CZ ( M ) in ECV1 as I. (I.) pulchripennis (Loew, 1856), misidentified [22]
sziladyi (Lackschewitz, 1940) CZ   (B M ) SK
Ilisia Rondani, 1856
inermis Mendl, 1979 SK
maculata (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
occoecata Edwards, 1936 CZ   (B M ) SK
Molophilus Curtis, 1833
Molophilus s. str.
appendiculatus (Staeger, 1840) CZ   (B M ) SK
ater (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
bifidus Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
bihamatus de Meijere, 1918 CZ   (B M ) SK
bischofi Lackschewitz, 1940 CZ   ( M ) SK
brevihamatus Bangerter, 1947 CZ   (B M ) SK
carstensis Starý, 1971 CZ   ( M ) SK
cinereifrons de Meijere, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
corniger de Meijere, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
crassipygus de Meijere, 1918 CZ   (B M ) SK
curvatus Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
czizeki Lackschewitz in Czižek, 1931 CZ   ( M ) SK
flavus Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
fluviatilis Bangerter, 1947 CZ   ( M ) SK
griseus (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
lackschewitzianus Alexander, 1953 SK
maurus Lackschewitz, 1925 CZ   (B ) SK
medius de Meijere, 1918 CZ   (B M ) SK
niger Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
nodicornis Lackschewitz, 1935 CZ   ( M ) SK
obscurus (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
occultus de Meijere, 1918 CZ   (B M ) SK
ochraceus (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
pleuralis de Meijere, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
priapoides Starý, 1971 CZ   ( M ) SK
priapus Lackschewitz, 1935 CZ   (B M ) SK
propinquus (Egger, 1863) CZ   (B M ) SK
pseudopropinquus Mendl, 1973 SK
pullus Lackschewitz, 1927 CZ   ( M ) SK
repentinus Starý, 1971 CZ   (B M ) SK
savtshenkoi Starý, 1972 CZ   ( M ) SK
scutellatus Goetghebuer, 1929 CZ   (B M ) SK
serpentiger Edwards, 1938 CZ   (B M ) SK
stroblianus Nielsen, 1953 CZ   ( M ) SK
terrayi Starý, 1992 SK
tjederi Starý, 1968 SK
undulatus Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   ( M ) SK
vafer Lackschewitz, 1940 CZ ( M ) SK
variispinus Starý, 1971 CZ   ( M ) SK
Neolimnophila Alexander, 1920
bergrothi (Kuntze, 1919) SK
carteri (Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1921) CZ   (B M ) SK
placida (Meigen, 1830) CZ   ( M ) SK
Ormosia Rondani, 1856
Oreophila Lackschewitz, 1935
bergrothi (Strobl, 1895) SK
Ormosia s. str.
aciculata Edwards, 1921 SK
albitibia Edwards, 1921 CZ   (B M ) SK
bicornis (de Meijere, 1920) CZ   ( M ) SK
bifida (Lackschewitz, 1940) CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 also as O. (O.) nana Starý, 1974 [15]
bihamata Lackschewitz, 1935 CZ   ( M )
clavata (Tonnoir in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920) CZ   (B M ) SK
depilata Edwards, 1938 CZ   (B M ) SK
egena (Bergroth, 1891) CZ   (B M ) SK
fascipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838) CZ   ( M ) SK
hederae (Curtis, 1835) CZ   (B M ) SK
lineata (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
loxia Starý, 1983 CZ   (B M ) SK
moravica Starý, 1969 CZ   ( M ) SK
nodulosa (Macquart, 1826) CZ   (B M )
pseudosimilis (Lundström, 1912) CZ   (B M )
rostrifera Savchenko, 1973 CZ   ( M ) SK
ruficauda (Zetterstedt, 1838) CZ   (B M ) SK
staegeriana Alexander, 1953 CZ   (B M ) SK
Phyllolabis Osten Sacken, 1877
macroura (Siebke, 1863) SK
Rhabdomastix Skuse, 1890
Lurdia Starý, 2003
furva Starý, 2003 SK
inclinata Edwards, 1938 CZ ( M ) SK
robusta Starý, 2003 CZ ( M ) SK
sublurida Starý, 2003 CZ ( M ) SK in PCV2 in subgenus Sacandaga Alexander, 1911 and as R. (S.) lurida (Loew, 1873), re-assessed [11]
tatrica Starý, 2003 SK
Rhabdomastix s. str.
beckeri (Lackschewitz, 1935) SK
crassa Starý, 2004 CZ   (B M ) SK
edwardsi Tjeder, 1967 CZ ( M ) SK
eugeni Starý, 2004 CZ ( M ) SK
hirticornis (Lackschewitz, 1940) CZ ( M ) SK in PCV2 in subgenus Palaeogonomyia Meunier, 1899, re-assessed [12]
japonica Alexander, 1924 CZ ( M ) SK
laeta (Loew, 1873) CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 in subgenus Sacandaga Alexander, 1911, re-assessed [12]
laetoidea Starý, 2004 CZ   (B M ) SK
subparva Starý, 1971 CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 in subgenus Sacandaga Alexander, 1911, re-assessed [12]
Rhypholophus Kolenati, 1860
bifurcatus Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK
haemorrhoidalis (Zetterstedt, 1838) CZ   (B M ) SK
lichtwardti (Lackschewitz, 1935) CZ   ( M ) SK
phryganopterus Kolenati, 1860 CZ   (B M ) SK
varius (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B )
Scleroprocta Edwards, 1938
pentagonalis (Loew, 1873) CZ   (B M ) SK
slaviki Starý, 2008 SK
sororcula (Zetterstedt, 1851) CZ   ( M ) SK
Symplecta Meigen, 1830
Psiloconopa Zetterstedt, 1838
bizarrea (Starý, 1992) SK
meigeni (Zetterstedt, 1838) CZ   (B M )
pusilla (Schiner, 1865) CZ   ( M ) SK
stictica (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
Symplecta s. str.
chosenensis (Alexander, 1940) CZ   ( M ) SK
grata Loew, 1873 CZ   ( M ) SK
hybrida (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
Trimicra Osten Sacken, 1861
pilipes (Fabricius, 1787) CZ   (B M ) SK
Tasiocera Skuse, 1890
Dasymolophilus Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920
exigua Savchenko, 1973 CZ   ( M ) SK
fuscescens (Lackschewitz, 1940) CZ   ( M ) SK
jenkinsoni Freeman, 1951 CZ   ( M ) SK
murina (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
robusta (Bangerter, 1947) CZ   ( M ) SK
Achyrolimonia Alexander, 1965
coeiana (Nielsen, 1959) CZ   ( M ) SK
decemmaculata (Loew, 1873) CZ   (B M ) SK
neonebulosa (Alexander, 1924) CZ   (B M ) SK
Antocha Osten Sacken, 1860
Antocha s. str.
vitripennis (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B M ) SK
Orimargula Mik, 1883
alpigena (Mik, 1883) CZ   ( M ) SK
Atypophthalmus Brunetti, 1911
Atypophthalmus s. str.
inustus (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
Microlimonia Savchenko in Savchenko & Krivolutskaya, 1976
machidai (Alexander, 1921) CZ   (B M ) SK
Dicranomyia Stephens, 1829
Dicranomyia s. str.
aperta Wahlgren, 1904 SK
autumnalis (Staeger, 1840) CZ   (B M ) SK
chorea (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
conchifera (Strobl, 1900) CZ   ( M ) SK
didyma (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
distendens Lundström, 1912 CZ   (B M ) SK
frontalis (Staeger, 1840) CZ   (B M ) SK
fuscinota Starý, 2009 CZ (B M ) SK in ECV1 as D. (D.) luteipennis Goetghebuer, 1920 [24]
halterata Osten Sacken, 1869 CZ   ( M )
handlirschi Lackschewitz, 1928 CZ   (B M ) SK
incisurata Lackschewitz, 1928 SK
longipennis (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
lucida de Meijere, 1918 CZ   ( M ) SK
luteipennis Goetghebuer in Goetghebuer & Tonnoir, 1920 CZ   (B M ) SK in ECV1 including D.(D.) fuscinota Starý, 2009 [24]
mitis (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B M ) SK
modesta (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
omissinervis de Meijere, 1918 CZ   (B M ) SK
ornata (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
radegasti Starý, 1993 CZ   (B M ) SK
sera (Walker, 1848) CZ   (B M ) SK
strobli Pagast in Lackschewitz & Pagast, 1941 CZ   (B M ) SK
ventralis (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
zernyi Lackschewitz, 1928 CZ   (B )
Glochina Meigen, 1830
kinensis (Alexander, 1936) CZ   ( M ) SK
schineriana (Alexander, 1964) CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 as D. (G.) schineri Lackschewitz, 1928  [3]
sericata (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B ) SK
transsilvanica Lackschewitz, 1928 CZ   ( M ) SK
tristis (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
Idiopyga Savchenko, 1987
alpina Bangerter, 1948 CZ   (B M ) SK
danica Kuntze, 1919 CZ   (B M ) SK
halterella Edwards, 1921 CZ   (B M ) SK
lackschewitzi Edwards, 1928 CZ ( M ) SK
nigristigma Nielsen, 1919 CZ   (B M ) SK
stigmatica (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B M ) SK
Melanolimonia Alexander, 1965
caledonica Edwards, 1926 CZ   (B M ) SK
morio (Fabricius, 1787) CZ   (B M ) SK
occidua Edwards, 1926 SK
rufiventris (Strobl, 1900) CZ   (B M ) SK
stylifera Lackschewitz, 1928 SK
Numantia Bigot, 1854
fusca (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
Sivalimnobia Alexander, 1963
aquosa Verrall, 1886 SK
Dicranoptycha Osten Sacken, 1860
cinerascens (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
fuscescens (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
livescens Loew, 1871 CZ   (B M ) SK
paralivescens Starý, 1972 CZ   ( M ) SK
pseudocinerea Starý, 1972 CZ ( M ) SK
Discobola Osten Sacken, 1865
annulata (Linnaeus, 1758) CZ   (B M ) SK
caesarea (Osten Sacken, 1854) CZ   (B M ) SK
parvispinula (Alexander, 1947) CZ   ( M ) SK
Elephantomyia Osten Sacken, 1860
Elephantomyia s. str.
edwardsi Lackschewitz, 1932 CZ   ( M ) SK
krivosheinae Savchenko, 1976 CZ ( M ) SK
Elliptera Schiner, 1863
hungarica Madarassy, 1881 CZ ( M ) SK
omissa Schiner, 1863 CZ   (B M ) SK
Helius Lepeletier & Serville, 1828
Helius s. str.
flavus (Walker, 1856) CZ   (B M ) SK
longirostris (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
pallirostris Edwards, 1921 CZ   (B M ) SK
Libnotes Westwood, 1876
Afrolimonia Alexander, 1965
ladogensis (Lackschewitz in Lackschewitz & Pagast, 1940) SK
Limonia Meigen, 1803
albifrons (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
aquilina Starý, 1984 CZ   ( M ) SK
dilutior (Edwards, 1921) CZ (B )
flavipes (Fabricius, 1787) CZ   (B M ) SK
hercegovinae (Strobl, 1898) CZ   (B M ) SK
interjecta Starý, 1974 SK
macrostigma (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK in ECV1 also as L. alpicola (Lackschewitz, 1928); synonymised in [20]
nigropunctata (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
nubeculosa Meigen, 1804 CZ   (B M ) SK
pannonica (Kowarz, 1868) CZ   (B ) SK
phragmitidis (Schrank, 1781) CZ   (B M ) SK
splendens Kuntze, 1920 SK
stigma (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
sylvicola (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
taurica (Strobl, 1895) CZ   (B M ) SK
trivittata (Schummel, 1829) CZ   (B M ) SK
Lipsothrix Loew, 1873
ecucullata Edwards, 1938 CZ   (B M ) SK
errans (Walker, 1848) CZ   (B M ) SK
nobilis Loew, 1873 CZ   (B M ) SK
remota (Walker, 1848) CZ   (B M ) SK
Metalimnobia Matsumura, 1911
Metalimnobia s. str.
bifasciata (Schrank, 1781) CZ   (B M ) SK
charlesi Salmela & Starý, 2009 CZ (B ) SK
quadrimaculata (Linnaeus, 1760) CZ   (B M ) SK
quadrinotata (Meigen, 1818) CZ   (B M ) SK
tenua Savchenko & Krivolutskaya, 1976 CZ ( M ) SK
zetterstedti (Tjeder, 1968) CZ   (B M ) SK
Neolimonia Alexander, 1964
dumetorum (Meigen, 1804) CZ   (B M ) SK
Orimarga Osten Sacken, 1869
Orimarga s. str.
attenuata (Walker, 1848) CZ   (B M ) SK
juvenilis (Zetterstedt, 1851) CZ ( M ) SK
virgo (Zetterstedt, 1851) SK
Rhipidia Meigen, 1818
Rhipidia s. str.
ctenophora Loew, 1871 CZ (B )
maculata Meigen, 1818 CZ   (B M ) SK
punctiplena Mik, 1887 SK
uniseriata Schiner, 1864 CZ   (B M ) SK
Thaumastoptera Mik, 1866
Thaumastoptera s. str.
calceata Mik, 1866 CZ   (B M ) SK