Checklist of Diptera of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
electronic version 2, 2009
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Heleomyzidae Bezzi, 1911

Kateřina Dvořáková

Tři Sekery 21, CZ-353 01 Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic;

The family includes small, medium-sized and large species, usually dark yellow, ochre and grey in colour, often with spotted wings. Crossed postorbital setae present, vibrissal setae present (sometimes two pairs), wing with costa spinose and interrupted near junction with subcosta, dorsal preapical seta present on tibiae. Members of this family are usually forest species, saprophagous, mycetophagous, coprophagous and necrophagous. Several species are phytophagous. The larvae often develop in birds' nests and vertebrates' burrows. Most species are psychrophilous, and adults of some species regularly enter subterranean areas during the warmest months. These shelters are also used for hibernation. Some species live in caves throughout their entire life cycle and their development is not restricted to any specific period. The biology and ecology of many species is unknown.

Altogether 145 species are known to occur in Europe and adjacent areas according to the Fauna Europaea (Woźnica 2007) but the data are incomplete there. 88 are listed in the present checklist: 84 in the Czech Republic (82 in Bohemia, 74 in Moravia), and 74 in Slovakia. Since the ECV1, the number of species in the Czech Republic has increased by one (in Bohemia) and one another species was recorded from Moravia; in Slovakia the number of species has remained unchanged. The species richness of the heleomyzid fauna is well known in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, thanks to the work of the late Doc. Ing. Vladislav Martinek CSc.

The Czech and Slovak species of Heleomyzidae can be identified using Gorodkov (1970) and Papp (1981). More recent information has been published by Papp &  Carles-Tolrá (1994) and by Woźnica (2004).

The author wishes to thank Dr Andrzej Woźnica (Warsaw, Poland) for invaluable information on heleomyzid taxonomy and distribution.


[1] Dvořáková-Marsová K., Martinek V., Barták M. & Kubík Š. 2005: Heleomyzidae. In Barták M. & Kubík Š. (eds): Diptera of Podyjí National Park and its Environs. Praha, pp. 325-331.

[2] Dvořáková K. & Martinek V. 2006: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic – 198. Diptera: Heleomyzidae. Klapalekiana 42: 128.

[3] Dvořáková K. & Preisler J. 2007: Faunistic records from the Czech Republic 224. Diptera: Heleomyzidae. Klapalekiana 43: 78.

[4] Gorodkov K.B. 1970: Heleomyzidae. In Bej-Bjenko G.J. (ed.): Opredělitěl nasekomych evropejskoj časti SSSR. Dvukrylije, blochy. Nauka, Leningrad, pp. 306-325.

[5] Košel V., Dvořáková K. & Martinek V. 2006: Faunistic records from the Czech and Slovak Republics. Heleomyzidae. In Kinkorová J. (ed.): Dipterologica bohemoslovaca Vol. 13. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica 50: 155.

[6] Martinek V. 1999: Heleomyzidae. In Rozkošný R. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera of the Pálava Biosphere reserve of UNESCO II. Folia Facultatis Scientarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 100: 337-341.

[7] Martinek V. 2001: New or scarce Acalyptrate flies (Diptera) found in the forest of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Journal of Forest Science 47: 523-528.

[8] Martinek V. & Barták M. 2001: Heleomyzidae. In Barták M. & Vaňhara J. (eds): Diptera in an Idustrially Affected Region (north-western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov Environs) II. Folia Facultatis Scientarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Biologia 105: 401-406.

[9] Papp L. 1981: Tüskésszárnyú Heleomyzidae. Fauna Hungariae 149. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 78 pp.

[10] Papp L. & Carles-Tolrá M. 1994: A revision of the Western Palaearctic species of Schroederella Enderlein (Diptera: Heleomyzidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica 40: 321-334.

[11] Papp L. & Woźnica A. 1993: A revision of the palaearctic species of Gymnomus Loew (Diptera, Heleomyzidae). Acta Zoologica Hungarica 39: 175-210.

[12] Withers P. 1987: The British species of the genus Suillia (Diptera, Heleomyzidae), including a species new to science. Proceedings & Transactions of the British Entomological & Natural History Society 20: 91-104.

[13] Woźnica A. 2003: Two new synonyms of the Old World representatives of the genus Suillia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Heleomyzidae: Suilliinae). Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 72: 349-357.

[14] Woźnica A. 2004: Redescription of Scoliocentra (Leriola) brachypterna (Loew, 1873) (Diptera: Heleomyzidae) with description of a new species from Europe. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 73: 327-338.

[15] Woźnica A. 2006: Gymnomus Caucasicus, a new species of heleomyzid flies from Caucasus Mountains (Diptera: Heleomyzidae). Genus 17: 399-408.

[16] Woźnica A. 2007: Fauna Europaea: Heleomyzidae. In Pape T. (ed.): Fauna Europaea: Diptera Brachycera. Fauna Europaea version 1.3. <>. Retrieved 19.08.2009.

Borboropsis Czerny, 1902
puberula (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Acantholeria Garret, 1921
cineraria (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M )
Gymnomus Loew, 1893
Gymnomus Loew, 1893 in PCV2 all species in genus Scoliocentra [11]
amplicornis (Czerny, 1924)  CZ   (B M ) SK in ECV1 in genus Scoliocentra Loew, 1862 [15]
caesius (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
ceianui (Martinek, 1985)  CZ   (B ) SK
czernyi Papp & Woznica, 1993 CZ   (B M ) SK
europaeus Papp & Woznica, 1993 CZ   (B M ) SK
sabroskyi (Gill, 1962)  CZ   (B ) SK
spectabilis (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Heleomyza Fallén, 1810
Anypotacta Czerny, 1924
setulosa (Czerny, 1924)  CZ   (B ) SK
Heleomyza s.str.
captiosa (Gorodkov, 1962)  CZ   (B M ) SK
modesta (Meigen, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
serrata (Linnaeus, 1758)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Morpholeria Garret, 1921
Morpholeria s.str.
dudai (Czerny, 1924)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Spanoparea Czerny, 1924
innotata (Czerny, 1933)  CZ   (B M )
kerteszii Czerny, 1924  CZ   (B M ) SK
ruficornis (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
variabilis (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Neoleria Malloch, 1919
flavicornis (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
inscripta (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
ruficauda (Zetterstedt, 1847)  CZ   (B M ) SK
ruficeps (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M )
Scoliocentra Loew, 1862
Chaetomus Czerny, 1924
confusa (Wahlgren, 1918)  CZ   (B M ) SK
flavotestacea (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Leriola Gorodkov, 1962
brachypterna (Loew, 1873)  CZ   (B M ) SK
collini Woźnica, 2004 CZ (B )
nigrinervis (Wahlgren, 1918) SK
Scoliocentra s.str.
dupliciseta (Strobl, 1894)  CZ   (B M ) SK
scutellaris (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
villosa (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Schroederella Enderlein, 1920
iners (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M )
minuta Papp & Carles-Tolrá, 1994 CZ   ( M )
Eccoptomera Loew, 1862
emarginata Loew, 1862  CZ   (B M ) SK
filata Loew, 1862  CZ   (B M ) SK
infuscata Wahlgren, 1918  CZ   (B ) SK
longiseta (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
microps (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
nigricornis Strobl, 1906  CZ   (B )
obscura (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
ornata Loew, 1862  CZ   (B M ) SK
pallescens (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
triseta Czerny, 1924  CZ   (B )
Oecothea Haliday, 1837
fenestralis (Fallén, 1820)  CZ   (B M ) SK
praecox Loew, 1862 CZ   ( M )
Orbellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
hiemalis (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B ) SK
myiopiformis Robineau-Desvoidy,1830  CZ   (B M )
Oldenbergiella Czerny, 1924
brumalis Czerny, 1924  CZ   (B M )
calcarifera Papp, 1980  CZ   (B M ) SK
seticerca Papp, 1980  CZ   (B M )
Suillia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
affinis (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
atricornis (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
bicolor (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
cepelaki Martinek, 1985 SK
crinimana (Czerny, 1904) SK
femoralis (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
flava (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
flavifrons (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
fuscicornis (Zetterstedt, 1847)  CZ   (B M ) SK
gigantea (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
humilis (Meigen, 1830) CZ   (B M ) SK in PCV2 also as Suillia inornata (Loew, 1862) [12]
imberbis Czerny, 1924  CZ   (B M ) SK
laevifrons (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
lurida (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
mikii (Pokorny, 1886)  CZ   (B M ) SK
nemorum (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
notata (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
oldenbergii (Czerny, 1904)  CZ   (B M ) SK
oxyphora (Mik, 1900)  CZ   (B M ) SK
pallida (Fallén, 1820)  CZ   (B M ) SK
parva (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
pilimana (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
quadrilineata Czerny, 1924  CZ   (B M ) SK
similis (Meigen, 1838)  CZ   (B M )
lineitergum (Pandellé, 1901) SK in PCV2 as Suillia stroblii (Czerny, 1904) [13]
umbratica (Meigen, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
univittata (von Roser, 1840)  CZ   (B M ) SK
ustulata (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
vaginata (Loew, 1862)  CZ   (B M ) SK
variegata (Loew, 1862) CZ   (B M ) SK
Heteromyza Fallén, 1820
atricornis Meigen, 1830  CZ   (B M ) SK
commixta Collin, 1901  CZ   (B M ) SK
oculata Fallén, 1820  CZ   (B M ) SK
rotundicornis (Zetterstedt, 1846)  CZ   (B M ) SK
Tephrochlaena Czerny, 1924
halterata (Meigen, 1830) CZ (B )
Tephrochlamys Loew, 1862
flavipes (Zetterstedt, 1838)  CZ   (B M ) SK
laeta (Meigen, 1838)  CZ   (B ) SK
rufiventris (Meigen, 1830)  CZ   (B M ) SK
tarsalis (Zetterstedt, 1847)  CZ   (B M ) SK